AB62-AA3, s. 1dn 10Section 1dn. 104.04 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB62-AA3,7,24 11104.04 Classifications; department's authority. The department shall
12investigate, ascertain, determine, and fix such reasonable classifications, and shall
13impose general or special orders, determining the living-wage living wage, and shall
14carry out the purposes of ss. 104.01 to 104.12. Such this chapter. Those
15investigations, classifications, and orders shall be made as provided under s.
16103.005, and the penalties specified in s. 103.005 (12) shall apply to and be imposed
17for any violation of ss. 104.01 to 104.12 this chapter. In determining the living-wage
18living wage, the department may consider the effect that an increase in the
19living-wage living wage might have on the economy of the state, including the effect
20of a living-wage living wage increase on job creation, retention, and expansion, on
21the availability of entry-level jobs, and on regional economic conditions within the
22state. The department may not establish a different minimum wage for men and
23women. Said Those orders shall be subject to review in the manner provided in ch.
AB62-AA3, s. 1do
1Section 1do. 104.045 of the statutes is renumbered 104.045 (intro.) and
2amended to read:
AB62-AA3,8,5 3104.045 Tipped employees Tips, meals, lodging, and hours worked.
4(intro.) The department shall by rule determine what amount of promulgate rules
5governing all of the following:
AB62-AA3,8,7 6(1) The counting of tips or similar gratuities may be counted toward fulfillment
7of the employer's obligation under this chapter.
AB62-AA3, s. 1dp 8Section 1dp. 104.045 (2) and (3) of the statutes are created to read:
AB62-AA3,8,109 104.045 (2) The deduction of meals or lodging provided by an employer to an
10employee from the employer's obligation under this chapter.
AB62-AA3,8,12 11(3) The determination of hours worked by an employee during which the
12employee is entitled to a living wage under this chapter.
AB62-AA3, s. 1dq 13Section 1dq. 104.05 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB62-AA3,8,19 14104.05 Complaints; investigation. The department shall, within 20 days
15after the filing of a verified complaint of any person setting forth alleging that the
16wages paid to any employee in any occupation are not sufficient to enable the
17employee to maintain himself or herself under conditions consistent with his or her
18welfare, investigate and determine whether there is reasonable cause to believe that
19the wage paid to any the employee is not a living-wage living wage.
AB62-AA3, s. 1dr 20Section 1dr. 104.06 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB62-AA3,9,4 21104.06 Wage council; determination. If, upon investigation, the
22department finds that there is reasonable cause to believe that the wages paid to any
23employee are not a living-wage, it living wage, the department shall appoint a wage
24council, selected so as fairly to represent employers, employees, and the public, to
25assist in its investigations and determinations. The living-wage department may

1use the results of an investigation under this section to establish a living wage. A
2living wage
so determined upon shall be the living-wage living wage for all
3employees within the same class as established by the classification of the
4department under s. 104.04.
AB62-AA3, s. 1ds 5Section 1ds. 104.07 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB62-AA3,9,126 104.07 (1) The department shall make promulgate rules and, except as
7provided under subs. (5) and (6), grant licenses, to any employer who employs any
8employee who is unable to earn the living-wage theretofore determined upon,
9permitting such person to
a living wage so that the employee may work for a wage
10which shall be that is commensurate with the employee's ability and each . Each
11license so granted shall establish a wage for the licensee employees of the licensee
12who are unable to earn a living wage
AB62-AA3, s. 1dt 13Section 1dt. 104.07 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB62-AA3,9,2014 104.07 (2) The department shall make promulgate rules and, except as
15provided under subs. (5) and (6), grant licenses to sheltered workshops to permit the
16employment of workers with disabilities who are unable to earn the living-wage at
17a living wage so that those workers may work for a wage that is commensurate with
18their ability abilities and productivity. A license granted to a sheltered workshop
19under this section may be issued for the entire workshop or a department of the
AB62-AA3, s. 1dv 21Section 1dv. 104.08 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 104.08 (2m) and
22amended to read:
AB62-AA3,9,2423 104.08 (2m) All persons Any person working in an occupation a trade industry
24for which a living-wage living wage has been established for minors, and who shall

has no trade, shall, if employed in an occupation which is a trade industry, be
2indentured under the provisions of s. 106.01.
AB62-AA3, s. 1dw 3Section 1dw. 104.08 (1m) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB62-AA3,10,64 104.08 (1m) (b) "Trade industry" means an industry involving physical labor
5and characterized by mechanical skill and training such as render a period of
6instruction reasonably necessary.
AB62-AA3, s. 1dx 7Section 1dx. 104.08 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 104.08 (1m) (intro.) and
8amended to read:
AB62-AA3,10,109 104.08 (1m) (intro.) A "trade" or a "trade industry" within the meaning of ss.
10104.01 to 104.12 shall be a trade or
In this section:
AB62-AA3,10,15 11(a) "Trade" means an industry occupation involving physical labor and
12characterized by mechanical skill and training such as render a period of instruction
13reasonably necessary. The department shall investigate, determine and declare
14what occupations and industries are included within the phrase a "trade" or a "trade
AB62-AA3, s. 1dy 16Section 1dy. 104.08 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 104.08 (3) (b) and
17amended to read:
AB62-AA3,10,1918 104.08 (3) (b) The department may make exceptions to the operation of subs.
19(1) and (2) (1m) and (2m) where conditions make their application unreasonable.
AB62-AA3, s. 1dz 20Section 1dz. 104.08 (3) (a) of the statutes is created to read:
AB62-AA3,10,2221 104.08 (3) (a) The department shall investigate, determine, and declare what
22occupations and industries are included within a trade or a trade industry.
AB62-AA3, s. 1eb 23Section 1eb. 104.10 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB62-AA3,11,5 24104.10 Penalty for intimidating witness. Any employer who discharges or
25threatens to discharge, or who in any way discriminates , or threatens to

1discriminate, against any employee because the employee has testified or is about
2to testify, or because the employer believes that the employee may testify, in any
3investigation or proceeding relative to the enforcement of ss. 104.01 to 104.12, is
4guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of
this chapter may be fined $500 for each offense.
AB62-AA3, s. 1eg 6Section 1eg. 104.11 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB62-AA3,11,10 7104.11 Definition of violation. Each day during which any an employer
8shall employ employs a person for whom a living-wage living wage has been fixed
9established at a wage less than the living-wage fixed established living wage shall
10constitute a separate and distinct violation of ss. 104.01 to 104.12 this chapter.
AB62-AA3, s. 1eh 11Section 1eh. 104.12 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB62-AA3,11,18 12104.12 Complaints. Any person may register with the department a
13complaint that the wages paid to employees for whom a living-wage living wage has
14been established are less than that rate, and the department shall investigate the
15matter and take all proceedings necessary to enforce the payment of a wage not less
16than the living-wage a living wage. Section 111.322 (2m) applies to discharge and
17other discriminatory acts arising in connection with any proceeding under this
AB62-AA3, s. 1g 19Section 1g. 234.94 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB62-AA3,11,2320 234.94 (5) "Primary employment" means work which that pays at least the
21minimum wage as established under ch. 104 s. 104.035 (1) or under federal law,
22whichever is greater, offers adequate fringe benefits, including health insurance,
23and is not seasonal or part time.
AB62-AA3, s. 1h 24Section 1h. 234.94 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
1234.94 (8) "Target group" means a population group for which the
2unemployment level is at least 25% higher than the statewide unemployment level,
3or a population group for which the average wage received is less than 1.2 times the
4minimum wage as established under ch. 104 s. 104.035 (1) or under federal law,
5whichever is greater. No population group is required to be located within a
6contiguous geographic area to be considered a target group.
AB62-AA3, s. 1m 7Section 1m. 800.09 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB62-AA3,12,218 800.09 (1) (b) If the defendant agrees to perform community service work in
9lieu of making restitution or paying the forfeiture, assessments, and costs, or both,
10the court may order that the defendant perform community service work for a public
11agency or a nonprofit charitable organization that is designated by the court.
12Community service work may be in lieu of restitution only if also agreed to by the
13public agency or nonprofit charitable organization and by the person to whom
14restitution is owed. The court may utilize any available resources, including any
15community service work program, in ordering the defendant to perform community
16service work. The number of hours of community service work required may not
17exceed the number determined by dividing the amount owed on the forfeiture by the
18minimum wage established under ch. 104 for adults in nonagriculture, nontipped
s. 104.035 (1). The court shall ensure that the defendant is provided a
20written statement of the terms of the community service order and that the
21community service order is monitored.
AB62-AA3, s. 1n 22Section 1n. 800.095 (4) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB62-AA3,13,1023 800.095 (4) (b) 3. That the defendant perform community service work for a
24public agency or a nonprofit charitable organization designated by the court, except
25that the court may not order the defendant to perform community service work

1unless the defendant agrees to perform community service work and, if the
2community service work is in lieu of restitution, unless the person to whom the
3restitution is owed agrees. The court may utilize any available resources, including
4any community service work program, in ordering the defendant to perform
5community service work. The number of hours of community service work required
6may not exceed the number determined by dividing the amount owed on the
7forfeiture, or restitution, or both, by the minimum wage established under ch. 104
8for adults in nonagriculture, nontipped employment
s. 104.035 (1). The court shall
9ensure that the defendant is provided a written statement of the terms of the
10community service order and that the community service order is monitored.
AB62-AA3, s. 1p 11Section 1p. 895.035 (2m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB62-AA3,14,312 895.035 (2m) (c) The court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and
13938 may order that the juvenile perform community service work for a public agency
14or nonprofit charitable organization that is designated by the court in lieu of making
15restitution or paying the forfeiture or surcharge. If the parent agrees to perform
16community service work in lieu of making restitution or paying the forfeiture or
17surcharge, the court may order that the parent perform community service work for
18a public agency or a nonprofit charitable organization that is designated by the court.
19Community service work may be in lieu of restitution only if also agreed to by the
20public agency or nonprofit charitable organization and by the person to whom
21restitution is owed. The court may utilize any available resources, including any
22community service work program, in ordering the juvenile or parent to perform
23community service work. The number of hours of community service work required
24may not exceed the number determined by dividing the amount owed on the
25restitution, forfeiture, or surcharge by the minimum wage established under ch. 104

1for adults in nonagriculture, nontipped employment
s. 104.035 (1). The court shall
2ensure that the juvenile or parent is provided with a written statement of the terms
3of the community service order and that the community service order is monitored.".
AB62-AA3,14,4 43. Page 2, line 1: delete " Section 1" and substitute "Section 1t".
AB62-AA3,14,5 54. Page 2, line 17: after that line insert:
AB62-AA3,14,7 6" Section 3m. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after
7publication, except as follows:
AB62-AA3,14,14 8(1) Minimum wage. The treatment of sections 49.141 (1) (g), 104.01 (intro.), (1),
9(1d), (5), (5g), (5m), (7m), and (8), 104.02, 104.03, 104.035, 104.04, 104.05, 104.06,
10104.07 (1) and (2), 104.08 (1), (1m) (b), and (2), 104.10, 104.11, 104.12, 234.94 (5) and
11(8), 800.09 (1) (b), 800.095 (4) (b) 3., and 895.035 (2m) (c) of the statutes, the
12renumbering and amendment of sections 104.045 and 104.08 (3) of the statutes, and
13the creation of sections 104.045 (2) and (3) and 104.08 (3) (a) of the statutes take effect
14on the first day of the 3rd month beginning after publication.".